
Parasyte, Samurai Flamenco

Parasyte is about aliens who have come to Earth to curb human population growth. How do they do that? By being deadly as hell. These little critters invade the head of unaware victims, killing them in the process. The parasites live on, though, occupying the head, living off the bloodstream, and eating other humans for sustenance.
There are a lot of cool things about Parasyte. The most obvious one is how crazy-dangerous the parasites are. They sprout bizarre fangs/swords and decimate their victims before devouring them. It’s very well animated and kind of disturbing at first. It’s really a top-rate body horror scenario from the beginning.
Our hero, Shinichi, is lucky enough that the parasite who attacked him accidentally inhabited his arm and not his head. He is able to communicate with it (naming it Migi), and uses it to defend himself against the other parasites. Migi gives him powers of his own, but he’s pretty weak compared to the other parasites. The two of them use teamwork and ingenuity to outsmart and kill their opponents.
Parasyte is a clever anime. It uses an old concept (e.g. Invasion of the Body Snatchers), but puts a fresh spin on it. At times it can be horrifying, at times it can be funny, and at times it can have you on the edge of your seat. There are a lot of cliff-hanger endings which are annoying, but the show is so well-written, it’s hard to get too mad at it.
Parasyte also has a deeper message about the ecology of our planet. Human are destroying it, and if we don’t change our ways, we’re going to kill ourselves. Essentially, since the parasites look human, they represent a stand-in of the human race destroying itself. Don’t worry, though, the message isn’t beaten over the viewers’ head. You can easily ignore it if you prefer. But if you did that, it would be kind of pointless.
Anyway, this was a really fun show, and definitely recommended.
Verdict: Awesome
Samurai Flamenco
Samurai Flamenco is one of the weirdest anime I have seen in a long time. It’s weird because of its vastly differing tones and style. Every 4-6 episodes, it shifts into an entirely different show. The main character is a male model (he’s really, really ridiculously good looking) who wishes he could be a superhero like the kind he watched on TV as a kid. The show starts out kind of like Kick-Ass; he becomes a superhero (aptly named Samurai Flamenco) in a completely realistic world. He has no powers, stops petty crimes, and can get hurt. So far, so good, I was really into it.
Then, the story has a sudden change into real powers. He comes across genetically engineered humans who transform into monsters and explode when they are defeated. Flamenco tracks down the villain’s lair and defeats him in a climactic battle fit for any standard superhero anime. But it doesn’t end there. The show continues on, shifting tone again. It turns into a Voltron-inspired series with multiple “Flamencos” of differing colors who have giant robots that can combine into an ultimate robot. There are a couple more shifts, until the final one which jettisons the zaniness for a completely out of left field foray into an insane kid-turned-mad-bomber scenario, and the show becomes serious again.
It’s an odd show, and the varying tones can certainly be off-putting. It liked it enough to watch the whole thing, but it isn’t a show I would ever watch again. It’s fairly middle of the road in terms of acting, directing, action, animation, etc. It doesn’t offer up many deeper themes or concepts. It’s enjoyable but ultimately forgettable.
Verdict: Average

6 Responses to “Parasyte, Samurai Flamenco”

  1. June 19, 2016 at 11:49 pm

    I couldn’t get into Samurai Flamenco but I really enjoyed Parasyte (though I wished it hadn’t dragged out the last two episodes the way it did). Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    • June 20, 2016 at 9:53 am

      Samurai Flamenco wasn’t easy to get through, that’s for sure. Parasyte was good, but it did have some pacing issues. Overall I think it was mightily entertaining.

  2. 3 Themaster20000
    June 20, 2016 at 11:27 am

    Parasyte is fine until the last 2 two episodes where it’s so heavy handed with it’s themes (especially the last episode which was so amateurish with it). Also has a terrible love interest character. She does nothing and has nothing to her character at all really. Then the character of Kana who serves really no purpose other than to die and give Shinichi some development.

    Strong first half with a pretty meh second half.

  3. 5 The Otaku Judge
    September 25, 2016 at 11:48 pm

    Parasyte was the best show I watched last year. I am partway through Flamenco and can see what you mean. The first few episodes were cool, but after a while it goes bonkers.

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June 2016


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